Monday, March 19, 2012

Music video featuring me!!

Couldn't have been a more perfect time to start blogging again. I went for a flash mob last Saturday at San Francisco that was published into a music video. Take a look!!!! I start dancing (the one in green on your right) starting at around 3:38 when the flash mob joins in, and then again at the ending of the video. My friend-cum-roommate Amruta makes a cameo at 3:14 .. sitting on a picnic blanket.

The song is Magic Door by artist Marissa Guzman (album Joy Road). The rest of the song is also shot in the streets of the beautiful city SFO.

Since we knew this was going to be shot in a video, it involved driving all the way to SFO city for rehearsals before the d-day, and meeting other folks dancing in it. This is one of the truly exciting things I've done in a long time... and I plan to keep the trend goin.. ;)