Thursday, December 20, 2012

A teammate at Yahoo! shared this in an email and I just HAD TO share it with you guys..

[Quote him]
During the USENIX LISA Sysadmin conference in 1999 something started as a joke in the bar and slowly evolved or devolved over several evenings
(and large quantities of short chained hydrocarbons)

The more experienced among us will note that all but one is a valid SUN OS diagnostic code.
For the less experienced, on day “C”, that’s the prompt from the OpenBoot monitor.


The video:

And the text of the lyrics:
The C Days of Y2K - as performed at LISA 1999 / Seattle, Washington

On the first day of Y2K, my server said to me:
It's January, 1970.

On the second day of Y2K, my server said to me:
/var is full,
and it's January, 1970.

On the third day of Y2K, my server said to me:
stale file handle,
/var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the fourth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
hme is down,
stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the fifth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
no route to host...
hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the sixth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
bad magic number,
no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the seventh day of Y2K, my server said to me:
can't open socket,
bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the eighth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
panic! double panic!,
can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the ninth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
can't fork process,
panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the A day of Y2K, my server said to me:
out of ttys,
can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the B day of Y2K, my server said to me:
enter system password,
out of ttys, can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the C day of Y2K, my server said to me:
enter system password, out of ttys, can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.


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