Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why we love?

Its been quite a while since my last post. Tch tch to myself. I've been slacking on my recent goal to blog regularly. Oh well, when someone like me who has a lot of expectations from oneself, things can be overwhelming at times. I guess the trick is to find purpose in what you do.

That serves as a segway to my main thought for the post. What is the purpose of love in this world? At almost a lot of times in the day, your mind thinks about love in some form. It can be the camaraderie shared with friends, where you sense you will go out of way or vice versa to be there for them. It can be the attachment you develop for the people you see and are surrounded by each day - college classmates for student folks and company teammates for the office-goers. I'm not saying you love all these people, but when lives collide, there is bound to be a potential difference leading to flow of stories and perspectives that make you learn and grow incessantly. (Not to sound like Dr. Sheldon Cooper!) Love is the feeling of warmth, comfort, encouragement, respect, admiration and name a few.

And then there is the conventional notion of love towards someone special. As there are so many unique people in this world, there are many unique ways in which we perceive and want love. Some want love to fight loneliness, some others to find an anchor in an otherwise chaotic social circle. Some want love as a means of distraction from everyday mundane ordeals, some others as a new life mode they wish to incorporate in their lives. Some want love to gain emotional support and some others want love to provide emotional support if that is what empowers them. After all, loving IS empowering yourself... to put yourself in a position to plunge headfirst into new experiences. To figure out if these experiences make you a better person in the end..

I have had an interesting conversation with a rather cynical minded friend about love being nothing but "maya" - a mere illusion of happiness that traps you. And no, this is not because of some disgruntled showdown after unsatisfactory relationships. Its true that love is not meant for everyone, either it's probably too difficult to find or if found, one doesn't appreciate its value enough - the two most commonly encountered situations. So be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it all.. and it may turn out to be a love that you hadn't hoped or prepared for..

Love liberates you, gives you the confidence you need to tackle the other obstacles in life head-on, and hits you with the blissful liberation that you are able to leave your own selfish desires aside for the happiness of someone else. But at the same time can bind you to the tenet of faithfulness. How difficult is it to build and maintain this faith and trust in one another? Have you realized at some point in time, that you can trust that person more than you can trust yourself....? Its a strange eye-opening feeling..and probably the pinnacle in love..

What do you want out of love? I would like to hear your views and comments..