Thursday, December 20, 2012

A teammate at Yahoo! shared this in an email and I just HAD TO share it with you guys..

[Quote him]
During the USENIX LISA Sysadmin conference in 1999 something started as a joke in the bar and slowly evolved or devolved over several evenings
(and large quantities of short chained hydrocarbons)

The more experienced among us will note that all but one is a valid SUN OS diagnostic code.
For the less experienced, on day “C”, that’s the prompt from the OpenBoot monitor.


The video:

And the text of the lyrics:
The C Days of Y2K - as performed at LISA 1999 / Seattle, Washington

On the first day of Y2K, my server said to me:
It's January, 1970.

On the second day of Y2K, my server said to me:
/var is full,
and it's January, 1970.

On the third day of Y2K, my server said to me:
stale file handle,
/var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the fourth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
hme is down,
stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the fifth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
no route to host...
hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the sixth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
bad magic number,
no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the seventh day of Y2K, my server said to me:
can't open socket,
bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the eighth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
panic! double panic!,
can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the ninth day of Y2K, my server said to me:
can't fork process,
panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the A day of Y2K, my server said to me:
out of ttys,
can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the B day of Y2K, my server said to me:
enter system password,
out of ttys, can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.

On the C day of Y2K, my server said to me:
enter system password, out of ttys, can't fork process, panic! double panic!, can't open socket, bad magic number, no route to host... hme is down, stale file handle, /var is full, and it's January, 1970.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekend bliss..

Woke up to an amazing Saturday today.. having the whole day to myself was such a high!

Some thoughts....

  • Having a goal at the end of the day helps to organize my time. For example, today's goal was to complete my lineup of chores and then sit back and read, before going out for the evening. And for a strange reason I was in one of my most uplifted moods today. If I had absolutely nothing lined up for the day, the ad-hoc-ness doesn't motivate me as such. I guess I have an affinity for organization.

  • Having vivid and slightly weird dreams is a blessing in disguise. This is if you are someone like me who wants 27 hours in a day and doesn't like to waste time in sleep. So these dreams work like a charm in not only jolting you up but ALSO making sure you cant go back to sleep even if you tried and twisted around in bed!

  • I recently found out about Lumosity - a set of training exercises for your brain, that target different qualities e.g. memory, flexibility, problem solving, speed etc via different games. I have been playing those games regularly each morning now and the upward rising graph of my BPI 'brain performance index' as they term it, gives a kick as great as coffee :) I'm hooked!

  • I haven't been stellar at navigational skills - getting lost in my car even within familiar territory was not unusual. But a part of flight training demands mastering these skills, and as I near solo-ing, my instructor wants to make sure I can orient myself using the charts like reading the back of my hand. Working towards it is rewarding, and especially when my late grandfather used to a navigator in the aviation industry. Wherever he is looking upon me from the heavens, I'm sure he'll be proud :)

  • I am beginning to HATE the pop that plays on radio. The lyrics are retarded and the repetitive nature of the beats does little to pep me up as I start driving and get into my 'zone'. Thanks to a few rock music fans as friends, I am loving the likes of Pink Floyd and Metallica again. Now THAT's part of music that is genius composition! Here's "Silent Lucidity" (unplugged) by 'Queensryche' that recently Pandora introduced me to.

    • Coming to some pensive thoughts.. I realized that when you conduct yourself day-in, day-out, what is it that makes your day good or bad? It is not the events or other people, but rather 'your' demeanor, or put simply, your mood. Being happy goes a long way in creating success in your work and it is highly contagious. Being happy should not be a 'choice' but rather a practice you weave into your attitude. It does not mean you put up a pretense.. but start with noticing small, simple things that bring you a smile and ultimately, your mind will find lasting peace..
    Takeaway I wish to leave you with is - find what really inspires you and don't hesitate to maintain your eccentricities :) One of mine is to have disjoint thoughts like the above and trying to attach greater meaning to it all :P

    Sunday, July 15, 2012

    Journeys and the Search for Answers...

    Sometimes the feelings you experience as a result of your desires and actions, can be overwhelming. And there comes a need to give vent to those thoughts, which might otherwise keep festering in your mind to no end. I am looking towards writing now as a catharsis for such thoughts. To give words and definition to my abstract feelings at periodic intervals in time. And to understand them better myself..

    You tend to reach points in life where you look back on what you've achieved so far and where you've come. You know in your heart that you have worked towards this tirelessly. But how do you deem it satisfactory? How do you really measure success against the bars you might have set at the beginning? And if you find yourself disappointed at times, how do you dust yourself and keep going?

    I have been asking such questions to myself a little more frequently these days. One of the reasons might be the sequence of events at my current workplace that has stirred the need to keep evaluating my career path and growth. But apart from the professional aspect, it is the need to know, in my heart, that I am better and more stable today than probably a year ago. I do not know if you'd call that wrong or giving myself a hard time But for a self-driven person like me, it matters to revisit my sources of motivation from time to time.

    For example, one of the things that comes to mind is the ability to persuade. This is a skill that I have voluntarily not practiced because I always stuck to an idealistic perspective that if something is right, the others will see it eventually. However, I have learnt, that the very definition of "right", is highly subjective. Unless of course you are debating on something like how many bytes comprise an integer variable in a 64-bit architecture, most other things take into account, your own line of thought and your opinion. I used to believe being opinionated was a pompous turn-off. Now I know that it is an essential quality and without it, you will never earn the respect of your peers and leaders. I guess now it all makes sense, that the great kings and leaders and even more relevant scenarios like CEOs and Founders of successful companies, are where they are because they had an opinion about doing something a certain way. And that is precisely where the skill of persuasion transforms from just a communication medium to an art.

    It even applies to the people in your life. Unless you value them enough to empathize, give helpful opinions and be enterprising in showing them that you care, it is hard to expect them to keep you close. These were very specific examples. What I am driving at is what have I achieved in general? Am I one of the best in what I do for my bread and butter? Have I improved at fostering relationships? Have I made it easier, in any way whatsoever, the day-to-day lives of people I come to associate with? Is this learning experience a blow to my morale or a rock that I can climb and feel triumphant about at the top? A LOT of questions..

    In the midst of it all, I long for the simpler times as my eyes dwell upon a picture of me with my family from some 10 years ago. When my grandparents were still alive and I stayed with them almost my entire childhood. A few years since then, though I have come to relish independence and sustaining myself "on my own two feet", the way I want, I cant help but feel a little....hollow... The same kinds you experience, say when the journey to a dream destination was full of excitement and unknown adventures, but after reaching there, you go "YES! what next?" And analyzing if what you are running towards... is worth what you have left behind...

    Ultimately, I wish to be a stronger, happier person. It is tough to get there always, but what really matters is whether the delta is positive each day. And to have an unwavering determination.. that you will make it happen - no matter what it takes.

    Monday, March 19, 2012

    Music video featuring me!!

    Couldn't have been a more perfect time to start blogging again. I went for a flash mob last Saturday at San Francisco that was published into a music video. Take a look!!!! I start dancing (the one in green on your right) starting at around 3:38 when the flash mob joins in, and then again at the ending of the video. My friend-cum-roommate Amruta makes a cameo at 3:14 .. sitting on a picnic blanket.

    The song is Magic Door by artist Marissa Guzman (album Joy Road). The rest of the song is also shot in the streets of the beautiful city SFO.

    Since we knew this was going to be shot in a video, it involved driving all the way to SFO city for rehearsals before the d-day, and meeting other folks dancing in it. This is one of the truly exciting things I've done in a long time... and I plan to keep the trend goin.. ;)

    Its surreal ..

    Like any other day, I stepped out in the morning to get into my car and drive to work. There was a light wind blowing, but strong enough to ruffle the delicate white spring blossoms on the trees. And the petals blew in the soft wind strokes and landed on the windshield of my car :-)

    It was surreal and beautiful as I admired the small, white petals resting ephemerally on the glass, before being lifted off by another stroke. Like a painter making brush strokes of white across a big canvas.. like an orchestra conductor composing a symphony with the movements of his arms. And the white petals lined the pavement as I drove by...

    Take a moment to stop and stare at the small things around us.. I promise you'll begin your day like me..with a wide admiring smile!

    P.S. I dint click this picture myself, but surely searched a bit, optimizing my search strings, to bring you an image as close to how it was.
    (Picture courtesy Thanny Young via Flickr