Disclaimer right away - The title can be(read "is") misleading. This post is not about men AND women but rather the differences between the two. Sorry about the sudden testosterone or estrogen rush the title might have led to! It was my trick to "grab attention within first minute of your presentation" which my mentors have been trying to teach me. I could've named it men VS women, but then I'm trying not to sound feminist (an internal joke) Anyway I digress.. coming back.
Now having been living with female roommates (and a LOT of them due to sky-high rents) for about 2 years, I have sorta been through all the stupid idiosyncrasies there are. Some of my guy friends find my stories highly amusing and I sometimes don't mind narrating some funny catfights at my expense. Its never easy when 5-6 girls are living under one roof for more than 20 days (avg "honeymoon" period before we are prone to pick petty fights or leave "angry notes" on the refrigerator). My conception about roomies was like having an extended sleepover and pajama party, but its a different game altogether. However whenever I observed similar living arrangement among the guys, it seemed like "No Problemo... more beer dude??" Aal is well :) They know to keep it simple, sort their priorities and have fun as a small family.
We all know the familiar phrase called "Men are from Mars and Women, from Venus". I'd beg to differ slightly and comment that its more like "Women are from Mercury (bitchy, irritable) and Men, from Neptune (cool or nonchalant). (and sorry Pluto, but not you coz you aint a planet anymore). Guy roomies have a capability to overlook petty issues and at the same time, show adequate consideration towards a "bro-code" of sorts. One particular example that jumps to mind is a friend who continues working uninterrupted in his room, when his roomie and his gf in the adjoining room..well..are not particularly "silent". Perfect "live-n-let-live" attitude but which doesn't necessarily slip into indifference.
Us girls, on the other hand, have a very low threshold for adjusting. In my defense, my threshold is pretty adequate but exhausted when one sits besides me and hums incessantly when I'm studying! Good friends, once upon a time, can be doomed to become arch enemies if they are roomies past that honeymoon phase. This can be manifested in myriad ways, for e.g.
- Stealing food from "her" fridge shelf.
- Making abysmal food on one's cooking turn
- Complaining about "loudly chewing chips" that is apparently disturbing your sleep!
- Trying to make a cock-n-bull story about a burglar breaking in to "eat cereal", to avoid admitting that it was you. Developed ahead to explain how burglars here are more keen on food (cereal..yes ofc..its so tough to get!!) over other things like laptops, phones lying in plain view.
The girls that do stick through this and come out victorious (i.e. stay friends) are few and commendable. Hats off to you but you are an outlier (doh!) and I feel sorrow for the ones that don't (me included). Nevertheless, let me conclude with the cliche that it was one helluva learning experience and part of finding one's identity and compatibility :)
cheers to student life!