A new week. A fresh flow of guilt pangs for the amount of work to be completed now that the weekend's over. Anyhow, weekends are not nearly as "WooHoo Party!!" fun as half of the world's population associates it with. There are a separate set of more potent "weekend" pangs! Ok..come monday..Some call it Monday Blues.. but what do you call the ones that don't end on Monday??
The last project of Advanced Operating Systems on Virtual Memory due in 2 days. This is already an extended deadline after changing a prior deadline which was bang on Thanksgiving! The Teaching Assistants derive some sinister pleasure from dropping such bombs on unsuspecting souls like us. So now zero chance of extension beyond the 2nd as the TA sent an announcement in italics, capitals and everything possible to make it clear to us eternally wishful ones. Me and my project mate had set today as the milestone for completing all coding and last 2 days for writing test cases. Umm... safe to say but we were nowhere close to "completion". We seemed to be stuck on some bugs.. But still...overshooting deadline by a day seemed like a tolerable error margin. phew! Little realizing I seemed to have overlooked my previous experience with AOS projects... they seem to just keep expanding and getting convoluted instead of wrapping up as the deadline nears.. brr...its gettin cold....
Tuesday 1st Dec 09:
Second last day to AOS deadline. 4th and last project in AOS.. the very thought was the only silver lining here. Though the challenging programming required gave me the adrenaline rush every time >500 lines of code worked smoothly as a unit, it was also enough to give me sleepless nights by the prospect of not completing by deadline.
At the same time, I had another live project in IMS - mobile apps. My team-mates there, especially one guy, Sivadesh, was beginning to get worried as I wasn't able to give any time to this project and kept arranging "important/urgent meets" to decide project work division like 'n' number of times; complemented by intermittent dhamki's like "its high time now!!!":P
This is how our meets went...we pretend to have some freakin idea of what to do, surf the net....then say..."u do this.. i do that..."......next week dawns....."u still haven't done this???...okay...(deep breath)... (again).. so this time PAKKA do this... i do that...." (while me wondering why dont the others finish their "that" in the meanwhile) But i had prioritized AOS to number 1... even though the other IMS project mattered just as much towards its respective grade. So at our hopefully final "important work division meet" i say.."m not doin nething till Dec 2nd midnite (AOS submission deadline)... uske baad i'll do the dance of freedom from 12 am to 1 am... n start IMS at 1 am... PAKKA!!!!" :D
To be continued....